Return Policy
By purchasing from us, you agree to the following terms:
You have 30 days from receipt of your order to make a return. After this time, your product will not be accepted for return.
If the product is damaged, we will be responsible for sending a new product, without the need to return the damaged product.
In cases where the customer wants to return the product for other reasons, the return shipping costs will be the customer's responsibility. Once the return order is received, our quality team will review it to ensure that it is in its original condition.
Note: Shipping costs are not refundable. Do not send the products without first having the return approved and being given the shipping address.
Our customer service team will review the return request and send further instructions if the return is approved. Returned items must be in their original packaging, including any accessories, manuals and documentation. Returned items must be unused, in the same condition in which they were sent, and in their original packaging. Stains, bent cards, broken seals or broken plastic sheets will not be accepted. If the condition of the returned product is not in acceptable condition, we reserve the right to not return or exchange it.
Levlanc reserves the right to deny any return.
Conditions that apply for a Return
Damaged product
Incorrect product (Color, size, model)
Please contact our customer service team at to start the return process. Please include the following information:
Order number
Proof of Purchase
Video and photo of the product to be returned (if applicable)
In some cases, you may be asked to include a video or photo of the defective product as proof in order to refund or replace the product.
Processing returns can take up to 14 business days from the day we receive the return. We will send you an email to confirm once the return has been processed.
We allow you to modify the details of an order or cancel it within 2 hours of purchase.
Please note that after 12 hours, our products have already been packed and are ready for shipping, so we will not be able to modify the details of the order.